Thursday, December 6, 2007

No sympathy for a "troubled young man"

Robert Hawkins, the bastard who killed 8 people plus himself -- too bad he didn't start with himself -- was a "troubled young man" according to some who knew him. An acquaintance of mine gave me her first reaction when she heard about the murders: "Why didn't someone get him some help?"

The pig fucker had been a ward of the state. That means he had access to Child Protective Services, counselling through several programs, and a ton of other ways to help him cope with what inarguably was a bitch of a life. But he didn't want to. He quit school. He quit treatment for depression. He didn't want to be helped. So "society" isn't to blame. "The system" isn't to blame. Not even the stepfather who kept the AK-47 (gods know why) which this kid stole, is to blame. Robert Hawkins, and no one else, is to blame.

This is a case which would have met my strict criteria for the death penalty: guilt to a mathematical certainty; multiple victims or carried out in a particularly brutal way (is murder ever "gentle?"). He saved the state the money and trouble of a trial by killing himself. Good for him.

May the Holy Ones, blessed be They, comfort the families of the dead and wounded; may the dead be granted the fulfillment of their spirits.

And may whatever is left of that worthless piece of shit waste of DNA and other useful materials suffer every torture ever imagined by any religion, human or otherwise.

So take away my liberal license. This character was not "salvageable." Best he was recycled. The tragedy is that he took eight others with him.

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