Monday, November 26, 2007

Where the hell are the Democrats in this benighted state?

Four years ago the Nebraska Democratic Party hired a fireball executive director from Maryland who was to get the party all fired up and make the Nebraska Democratic Party something other than the other choice on the ballot (sometimes). He did pretty good: the party started a program to get a Democrat committee in all 93 counties and as best as I can figure out, they've come pretty close. That's a good thing.

But here we are going into a Senatorial race for an open seat and who's getting all the press? The GOP. Granted, it's been about candidates bailing, candidates deciding they wouldn't enforce laws they didn't like, etc. But as the saying goes, even bad publicity is better than no publicity.

Isn't it time we find out who the Democrats are going to run against Mike Johanns? Still no word from Scott Kleeb. And there just aren't a lot of other high-profile Democrats and almost none with Kleeb's charisma.

Please, please, please don't tell me we're going to run another Stormy Dean.

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